Our work for the week….

For some reason Autumn is waking up each morning at about 5:57 …..yeah, not cool. I have been trying to wait it out and see if she goes back to sleep. This means listening to her ‘talk’ while I doze. Once she starts crying and doesn’t stop, then I usually get up with her. This morning she played for almost an hour….got quiet….then Emma woke up. So up we got at 6:57 a.m. :{

While Hailey and Corbin were working on their book work Autumn and Emma played (this was after we ate breakfast). About 30 minutes of that was spent with Emma having ‘blanket time’ and Autumn playing independently as well. Emma had some sorting toys, books, a ‘latches’ board, and some little dinosaurs, snakes, men. She did really well, coming off the blanket once briefly towards the end of her time. I just had to remind her that she needed to listen for the timer and she went back without too much resistance. I am hoping that by next week I can increase her time to one hour, twice a day. We will need that in order to get some of our school reading done once we start back full-time next month. Autumn did well too…..alternating between her ‘stations (bouncy seat, exer-saucer, blanket on the floor, mommy’s arms). After that came nap time for Autumn, Emma’s snack, Logan finally up for breakfast, and then we head to the library (when Autumn wakes up). Logan will begin his book work as soon as he is finished with chores and breakfast.
I have been trying to get better organized this week. I cleared one box out of the kitchen that had been sitting there for months. I got all of the trash thrown out, now we just have to put away the things we’re keeping, which are stacked on our breakfast table at the moment. Karl helped clear off the bar a bit last night, too. Corbin has been working (with my supervision) in small increments in his room. He has one little corner in his room that is complete chaos! So, we removed trash, hung up clothes, brought in storage boxes that Logan was no longer using……today we will find things to put in those boxes and straighten up a bit more. I have also been going through baby and toddler clothing….it’s time again to remove too-small sizes and replace them with bigger sizes. Autumn has so many of her current size….6-9 months….I have actually given some away to a friend. We still have so many that it is overwhelming to get them put away! So then I’m digging and digging through piles of unfolded, unorganized clothing….not a pretty sight. I will be simplifying, donating, with this next size but I think we have a lot less of those anyway so it shouldn’t be so much of a problem. And, I’m not meaning to complain. I actually feel so blessed that we have so much! But, excess causes problems too……so finding ways to deal with that.
Autumn has been practicing sitting up. I can put her on the floor and she can sit for several seconds now. She has increased her time, and today spent as much as 45 seconds to a minute sitting before toppling over. I was not holding her up or anything. It seems like it’s been a long time coming….I had begun to really worry….but looks like she’s getting it! And I think she may have her second tooth popping through on the bottom. 🙂

About Wendy Woerner

wife, mama to five
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1 Response to Our work for the week….

  1. really.truly says:

    Oy, 5:57! I'm not a morning person. You did get a lot done! You go girl, I'll be in bed cheering you on. LOL

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