Saturday Confessions……5

1. I’m doing Saturday Confessions early because I won’t have Internet access on Saturday.

2. I’m stressing over my husband’s job….is that weird?
3. I do not enjoy getting up before 7 a.m., yet it is the only time I get completely to myself so I do kind of like it.
4. Today I read Proverbs 23……it was enlightening.
5. I am reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult….it’s really good…….I’m almost done and really don’t want to be. Do you ever feel that way about a book?
6. My baby is in 9 month sizes now….I really don’t know where the time went….how can she be approaching 1 year already?
7. I almost always end my ‘confessions’ on #7……why is that, ya think?

About Wendy Woerner

wife, mama to five
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3 Responses to Saturday Confessions……5

  1. really.truly says:

    Not weird at all….I stress over Greg's job often. I think it shows you are a true team 🙂 Hoping that whatever it is gets worked out the way you hope. Or, is it just daily work stuff…I stress over that for him too 😉

  2. mer says:

    For some reason if I number mine, I like 5. So I totally understand your seven.

  3. i've been stressing over my husband's job too lately. well, mostly just praying for him about it.

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