Fit to 5k

Fit to 5K #running #challenge #adoption
This week I saw a post, in one of the Facebook groups that I am a part of, that included a link for a 5K that takes place on my birthday. It is a sort of fundraiser for families in our area that are adopting international children. I love children, and I hope to adopt at some point myself. Right now I’m not sure if or when that might happen. However, as a sweet new friend pointed out to me last fall, I can do something to help adoptive children right now, even if I am not in the process of adoption myself.

When I saw the link in the group, I decided that I want to help. My plan now is to get Fit to 5K, meaning I am going to work between now and November 9th, the day of the event, to get fit to run the race. I expect this to be difficult. However, it is for a cause that I believe in and I know that I can do it in God’s strength. He is the one who gave me a heart for orphans after all, so I know He will not forsake me in my efforts to help care for them.

As I get more information, I will add it here. I expect that there will be a link to visit for those who would like to become sponsors, donate, or even enter the race themselves. So stay tuned. I would love as many of you as possible to support me in getting fit, running this race, and raising funds to further these families in their efforts to adopt and to further His kingdom!

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Traning for Fit to 5K

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